Subject: Re: ELF
To: David Rogers <>
From: Chuck Silvers <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/13/2001 00:07:08
I've had ELF changes for mac68k ready to test for a few months now,
all I've been waiting for is the booter.  I was talking with nigel
a while back about switching the booter to use the loadfile() from libsa
so that it could understand both a.out and ELF kernels, but the last I heard
was that it wasn't working for either format.  that was a while ago,
so I'm not sure where things stand at this point.


On Sun, May 13, 2001 at 01:12:05AM -0500, David Rogers wrote:
> I see that NeXT68k has moved to ELF.  Does anyone know where we are with
> that?  I remember there being issues with the booter.  Has anyone
> successfully compiled an ELF kernel for mac68k?