Subject: Re: OT: Re: IIfx and Quadra950
To: Greg Dunn <>
From: Cameron Kaiser <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/08/2001 19:01:10
> >  > efficient than linux (and besides Linus Torvalds said OS X is shit) so i
> >
> >If Linus said that, he's either uninformed, jealous, stupid or all three.
> >OS X is the first Unix that works as well for a total computer neophyte as
> >it does for a geek like myself. I use it in my office, and if it were a
> >bit more stable on Sonnet G3 OldWorld Macs, I'd be using it at home.
> Nope.  Linus in fact was badly misquoted.  What he said was basically 
> that he'd seen the early Mach kernel source (ca. 1994), and wasn't 
> impressed (not sure if he actually said "shit").  When he had to 
> answer the inevitable questions after his remarks were taken out of 
> context, he pointed out that (a) he hadn't seen the Mach source 
> lately, and (b) hadn't evaluated OS X yet.  What journalists will 
> sometimes do to get headlines...

Aha. That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Maturity is only a short break in adolescence. -- Jules Feiffer ------------