Subject: Re: Cable modem?
To: Ron Landrus <>
From: Tim McNamara <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/27/2001 14:26:45
>I need some suggestions on connecting to a cable modem, it may just be that
>it is stubborn in that it will only talk to the first computer that was
>connected when the modem was registered on the cable network.
>Any other computer I try will not pass tcp/ip. (different machine IP?)
>I wanted to route other computers onto it using Erik Winklers setup but
>using dhcp or infconfig.ae1 will not talk. I have tried the extremely
>obvious stuff, with no success.
>I need some tricks that might get bsd talking to my cable modem.

Have you set up NAT using ipnat and ipf?  First you need to get your 
LAN working, and then one computer needs to be responsible for NAT, 
which is built in to NetBSD.  The specifics vary as to whether your 
IP address is assigned to you statically or dynamically, what type of 
Ethernet card you are using, etc.

You will need to edit /etc/rc.conf, ipnat.conf, ipf.conf, rc.local, hosts, etc.

Check Bob Nestor's documentation at 
which is what got me through and I now have NAT running quite stably. 
It's quite a learning experience!  There are also several other Web 
sites with useful information including Erik's, info from Henry Hotz 
and from Armen.  Links are available through the NetBSD FAQs and 
documentation on

If you want, I can e-mail you copies of my configuration files, which 
differ from Bob's primarily in that I have a static IP address.  If 
you need to use DHCP then you'll find what you need on Bob Nestor's 