Subject: Re: 1.5 on SE/30: packages question
To: Roger Fischer <>
From: Chris Tucker <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/24/2001 21:39:46
I did use gunzip and tar instead of pkgadd...darn it.
Thank you for pointing that out. I should have read that page instead of
rushing ahead.
On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Roger Fischer wrote:
> At 2:46 PM -0800 2/24/01, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> >On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, Chris Tucker wrote:
> >
> >> THIS TIME, however, I decided to try the precombiled binary thang. I went
> >> to the precompiled binary directly of the application "dt" and downloaded
> >> it, gunzipped and untarred it, and it WORKED with much less mucking about
> >> with the downloading and compiling that I had to put up with before (this
> >> is especially annoying when you're using a 16mhz cpu!)
> Just a quick question. did you untar and gunzip it, or did you pkg_add it?
> The binary packages should be added to the system using the pkg_add command.
> This way:
> a) you have a record of it in the registry,
> b) the system can notify you if this package depends on other packages
> c) packages upon which this package depends get installed automatically
> d) and it can be easily removed with the pkg_delete command later on if you
> wish to upgrade it.