Subject: Re: 1.5 on an SE/30
To: Chris Tucker <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/22/2001 15:03:28
At 3:37 PM -0700 2/22/01, Chris Tucker wrote:
>I"m trying to decide if 1.5 is the way to go or if i should stick with
Generally I'd say go with 1.5. However there are some serial port
issues that are making me revert to 1.4.2 on my IIcx.
>I've read before on the list that many users had trouble with the 1.5
>install because of some minor file changes from 1.4. Have these problems
>been fixed?
If you mean the /dev/tty0E device not being built by the installer
then just get the latest version of the installer or use the
workaround of booting single-user and "cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV all".
>What is a "snapshot" and should I get one or just use the regular 1.5
The "regular 1.5 files" are a "snapshot" of the official release.
Use the latest snapshot if you want some new feature like the esp
speedups or want to help shake down the latest code. Otherwise stick
with the latest release.
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