Subject: newbie - afterstep setup error
To: None <>
From: Richard Weltman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/19/2001 12:19:01
hi there - can anyone help with some newbie
questions re. Afterstep/NetBSD on a IIci?
haven't been able to find the right source for
some set-up information - do have the NetBSD
short guide by Federico Lupi, and the X how to
by Bob Nestor...also Teach Yourself Unix in 24hours
Installed, and running now, but probably not configured
properly, is NetBSD 1.5, the monochrome X11R6 files and
Afterstep 1.8 - all installed via MacOS using the installer
NetBSD, and then X-Windows, both seemed to be working fine,
the latter with no configuration at all. Since the instruction:
#echo "exec afterstep" > /.xinitrc
the command
no longer launches X. The error message in xlog.txt is:
/usr/libexec/ afterstep: No such file or
Waiting for X server to shut down
does a file need copying or moving, or should many many files
have been configured before getting this far?!
pointers to useful URLs gratefully received
thanks in advance