Subject: Re: modifing rc.conf via vi
To: NetBSD Mac68k Port <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/18/2001 12:08:24
On Sun, 18 Feb 2001, Bradley Pearce wrote:

> Thanks to everyone's help, I was able to get NetBSD installed on my AWS
> 95.  Thanks!!
> Now I have to configure the rc.conf file.  To get it to boot normally, I
> have to change rc_configured=NO to YES, correct?  I have never used vi
> before, only pico.  Could someone give my some pointers about getting my
> NO to a YES using vi?

OK.  Here goes.

Type "vi rc.conf"  (Begin at the beginning, I always say :-)

Move down to the rc_configured line using the arrow keys.  If they don't
work, h=left, j=down, k=up, and l=right.

Type ":s/NO/YES/"  (Does a search and replace on the current line)

Type ":wq"  (Writes the file and then quits vi)

Hope this helps.

                      -- Brian

Brian Harrington
Digital Knowledge Center
The Johns Hopkins University