Subject: Re: Setting up PPPoE was Re: Setting up X and lost commands
To: Randy Beaudreault <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/15/2001 11:35:38
At 3:17 PM -0800 2/14/01, Randy Beaudreault wrote:
>>>I'm trying to set up X on my Q800. Which files do I have to
>>>modify to get it to work? Also when I boot into multi-user mode I
>>>lose the reboot and shutdown commands. What could be causing that?
>>The above items are working fine now. Now the next hurdle to cross
>>is to get my DSL and PPPoE up and running. How do I do this?
>More info on this: my IP address is dynamically assigned by my ISP.
PPPoE is not directly supported by NetBSD at this time. There is a
package in pkgsrc that does it at the user level, but that's
inefficient. The package used to have bugs in it, but they may,
hopefully, have been fixed by now.
It's possible that your DSL equipment can support "bridged" mode
which looks just like normal fixed-IP Ethernet. It may be worth
calling your provider to see if they can switch your service.
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