Subject: pptp / pppoe
To: mac68k <>
From: R=?ISO-8859-1?B?6Q==?=mi Zara <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/31/2001 22:16:29

I wrote a message a few days ago about poor performances of pptp on my IIci
(max 12 kB/s).
I tried rp-pppoe, and obtained the same results.
It seems that I reached the capacity of cpu ! (thanks Erik for replying).

A few questions,
As anyone tried any of these two packages on a quadra ? with what perfs ?
(I've got a powerpc, but it's a 7200, so I'm out of luck for netbsd !)

I think the main performances bottleneck I get is that each packet is copied
several times in and out the kernel.
Some people on NetBSD lists talked about implementing pppoe inside the
kernel. Anyone knows the status of that ?

The darwin kernel seems to have some sort of pppoe implementation in the
kernel. Wouldn't be possible to import that (if it works ? (but I'm sure it
at least will since Steve mentionned it at MWSF))?


Remi Zara