Subject: Re: powerbook 170 story
To: James Kelly <jamesk@UU.NET>
From: C.R. Carlson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/23/2001 21:23:48
I've never experienced a freeze up on my  170. And I have left it just
sitting for hours on end, so I think it would have happened. It can get
pretty hot, I don't think the HD spins down.

It's such a basic machine, and I don't have a lot of hard drive,  I didn't
load x. Just the basic stuff to run CLI. The 030 seems pretty zippy in that

I tried to boot 1.5 and couldn't get it to complete. It panicked and
reported pretty much the same info that I saw reported a day or so ago, (on
a Q700 I think). Maybe you'll have better luck.


>powerbook 170
>v 1.4
>Ok it's installed...finally
>problem is when I leave the computer alone for a while it freezes up and
>can't type into command line
>Also, I've installed xwindows and when I do startx I get:
>Can't run X-server with no screens
>Now I wonder if upgrading to v 1.5 will fix this?
>anybody experience this?
>Jim Kelly

Clarence Carlson
Itinerant Philosophers of Iowa, LTD