Subject: Re: Various question...
To: Remi Zara <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/16/2001 14:24:25
Remi Zara wrote:
> Sorry to bother all of you again !
> I have a few questions:
> * I've already asked that, but what is the state of the implementation of
> keyboard encoding in wscons ? I think I've read on the list that, since
> port-macppc had it, it should be easy to port to mac68k. It doesn't seem to
> be implemented in 1.5.

I'm pretty sure that we already have it in 1.5, we just don't have any
keymappings other than US in the kernel.  I'm about to add FR encoding
(since we have one in macppc).  I think this will simply require an update
to the keymap file, but there may be other changes involved.  I'm checking
that now.  BTW, if anyone wants to work on other keymappings, please feel
free to submit them.
> * Talking about wscons, I have these errors on startup (which don(t appear
> in dmesg):
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSDISPLAYIO_ADDSCREEN: cannot allocate memory
> wsconscfg: WSMUX_ADD_DEVICE: invalid argument
> I probably have missed something in the configuration, but I don't know
> what.

you've got me on this one, although i can say that we don't currently
support virtual screens under wscons, so if you're trying to add them,
that won't work.  we also probably don't have wsmux devices compiled into
the kernel.

> * The caps-lock led of my Appledesign Keyboard doesn't light up when
> caps-lock is on (it does in macos). Is that a bug I should submit ?

feel free.  you might want to search and see if there is already one in
there, tho.  i've played around with code to make the LED's work on the
extended keyboard before (and the same code should work on the apple
design keyboard), but there seems to be some timing issues.  sometimes the
lights get stuck on, sometimes they never come on, and sometimes the ADB
hangs.  i'll have to see if i can figure this out at some point in the
near future.

> * I would like to explore a nubus card (Apple Ethernet NB with 68000, yes, I
> know....).
> What is the most convenient way of doing this?
> I know of Slots, but that's for the declaration ROM.
> If I have understood well, if a card is in slot e, it will be accessible a
> addresses of 0xfe000000 to 0xfeffffff, right ?
> Is this accessible through /dev/mem ?
> If it is, what's the easiest way of displaying the right address range
> (through hexdump, for instance)

you've got me on all of these.  perhaps allen could give you a few
pointers, tho.
> * is there a tool to get assembly code out of raw data (which I would have
> read from the card ?)

well, macsbug has a pretty decent disassembler in it, provided you can
access the raw data from within macsbug.  that's what i've used to
disassemble the ROM's so far.

> I'm a beginner, so please forgive me any stupid question :)

they all sound like good questions to me!
