Subject: Re: UVM Panic while running perl base tests
To: Nico van Eikema Hommes <>
From: Jason R Thorpe <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/15/2001 08:09:07
On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 10:27:26AM +0100, Nico van Eikema Hommes wrote:
> While running "make tests" during the build of the perl base pkg, my
> machine (Centris 650, 1.5Q) crashed into the debugger, leaving the
> following message on the console:
> panic: kernel diagnostic assertion "pp->flags & PG_BUSY" failed:
> file "../../../../uvm/uvm_pager.c", line 183
> I've not yet tried to repeat the tests (decided to install first :-)
> but can do so, or try other tests, if desirable.
> Best wishes,
PLEASE SEND-PR THIS BUG! It is very important that you do so. It's
likely related to the UBC changes, and the author of UBC is away for
a work trip, so having this bug in the PR database will help make sure
it doesn't get missed.
-- Jason R. Thorpe <>