Subject: Re: installation without MacOS
To: NetBSD mac68k port list <>
From: Nyef <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/14/2001 12:28:04
On Wed, 20 Dec 2000, Nyef wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Dec 2000, Nyef wrote:
> > Just in case someone wants to see what I have so far (which isn't much,
> > just a text output box, and a bunch of test programs leading up to it), I
> > uploaded my current source to
> I did a little more work on this recently. It now displays some
> information about the partitions on a SCSI hard drive with ID 0.

Okay, once again, more code. This time, some of the code was rewritten
with GCC. No SCSI code this time, since testing is obnoxious enough
without adding two _more_ reboots to the edit-compile-test cycle. It does,
however, demonstrate writing to the boot disk from C (reading should be a
trivial modification of the writing code).

I think my next step will be to see if I can use libsa somehow...

All programming can be viewed as an exercise.
Alastair Bridgewater