Subject: Re: Q700 woes.... Bad ADB
To: None <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/12/2001 19:12:19
Colin Wood wrote:

>Bob Nestor wrote:
>> My system has always been pretty sensitive to things like the mouse and 
>> early canidates for 1.5 would hang if I tried to use the A3 mouse.  I 
>> tested the patches that went into the 1.5 release and they solved the 
>> problem on my system.  As far as I know there weren't any others who 
>> noted mouse problems with the 1.5 pre-release, so the fix that worked on 
>> my system may not be sufficent to solve this.
>Hmmm...sounds familiar.  Do you remember what the fix involved?  I suppose
>I could go dig it up, tho...

I could be wrong, but I seem to recall it was a timing issue with the 
ADB.  That would make sense given that most of the people have problems 
are running systems that are faster than mine.  Unless I'm remembering 
this wrong, there's a constant in the ADB code that defines how long to 
wait for a response on the adb bus.  The original value that worked on my 
system was later found to be either a bit too long or too short (can't 
remember which) and it was updated with a newer value.  There should be 
something in the mac68k mail archives as the messages were posted on this 
mailing list at the time.
