Subject: Re: Is the PPP performance a hardware issue perhaps?
To: Pat Plummer <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/04/2001 14:14:21
At 6:08 PM -0700 1/3/01, Pat Plummer wrote:
>Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>>Since Zilog is no longer in existence while AMD is blowing Intel 
>>out of the water I'd consider that a pretty understandable mistake. 
>>I gather AMD picked up the part when Zilog vanished.
>Really? One of Zilog's larger plants is not more than 40 miles from 
>here and near as I know it's still up and running. I had not heard 
>of a buy out or other action...

Hmmm.  Maybe I'm wrong?

I could swear that I heard about the company being bought out or 
merging with someone 5-10 years ago.  I have heard zilch about them 
lately but perhaps I don't track the right kind of trade press so 
much anymore.

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