Subject: Re: Test / Lame question
To: None <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/2001 23:56:44
Not so long ago Dominic Marks said:
> Hello, (Hope I'm in the right place - I think I am).
> I'm installing NetBSD on some various machines, and its very good indeed. I
> was scrounging around when I came accross the mac86k port page,
> the mac port page got me thinking.
> I have an LC-M0350 (you groan I'm sure) it must be seven or eight years old
> now! Anyway it "inherited" and I have only the vaguest idea what the real
> hardware is. I have read that Apple M0350's can't run NetBSD, but then I'm
> not even sure if this is a M0350 any more - I do know it had processor, ram,
> and video upgrades although the previous owner doesn't remember what these
> were exactly or have any of the relevent paperwork...
> My real question is: Is there a way I can find out exactly what this beast
> really is? If it can run NetBSD I'd love to try, if only for comedy value.
> Thanks!
> Dominic Marks
Apple System Profiler might be a start. Build into the Mac OS, that may have
only been introduced after 8.0 though, which you won't be running.
Try having a look with TechTool pro, I believe it has some good information.
All the best.