Subject: ttyE0 on 1.5 - the "installation from Hell"
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel R. Killoran,Ph.D. <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/31/2000 11:52:49
My system: IIvx 68M RAM
tried 2 drives: Seagate 2 Gig
                 Quantum 1 Gig Fireball
Using ZTerm on a Mac IIx as serial console.

Got write errors on Seagate whenever tried to write past 1 Gig, so 
gave it up as boot drive.
Partitioned Quantum: 0 Driver
                      1 Driver
                      2 Patches (very small)
                      3 NetBSD root & user (940 Meg)
                      4 NetBSD swap (128 Meg)
                      5 Extra (5 K)

Using Quantum, SBC kernel, installation followed manual until I tried 
(in the initial single-user boot) to edit rc.conf. Said "read only 

Ok, rtfm. Looked up booting in messages. Discovered I should have 
used new MAKEDEV and ttys. Downloaded them & "cpin"ed them in place 
of originals. Also found out about "mount /"

Tried again. In single-user, tried "mount /". Said "sys not clean". 
Tried fsck. Told it to mark sys clean. It said reboot, so I did. 
Repeat of above. Said "sys not clean" AGAIN! fsck'ed again, but this 
time, instead of rebooting as instructed, tried "mount /" and it 
worked! Hot diggety!
  Then did cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV all
Seemed to work - at least took a while & didn't complain.

Rebooted. This time NOT single user. Of course, it found rc.conf not 
configd, so dropped into single user. Tried ed rc.conf. Said "read 
only system" (sigh!) Tried "mount /" & various things, lost temper & 
went back to Mac. cpout'ed rc.conf to Mac; edited NO to YES; cpin'ed 
it back where it was; tried again.

Booted, NOT single user. Said "/dev/ttyE0: Device not configured" - 
But I thought I just DID that!


Dan Killoran