Subject: serial console problems
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Ryan Ordway <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/29/2000 09:51:15
	I've been having some problems with my recently-upgraded Q630
crashing. It is supposedly running a serial console to my Powermac 8100 on
the modem port (to the modem port on the 8100), but then the Q630 dies and
goes into the debugger. I disabled the serial console and the problem went
away. I remember seeing a message to the list eons ago about a system with
a serial console dying similarly. Is there a fix for this? It would be
nice to have the serial console, since this is a headless system.

	Also, I have a friend who wants help getting NetBSD on his Classic
II. I see that 1.5 recently added support for this system, but the
hardware list on seems to be a bit dated, and lists its display
as "broken". Does anybody have NetBSD running on a Classic II? Any
problems with it? If I can get the Classic II going he's going to give me
a bunch of Mac gear, so I'm hoping to get it going for him. :-)




HELO... my name is root... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!