Subject: Re: IIcx fails at boot - Error 79
To: Dave Huang <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/29/2000 12:33:02
> I've got Think C... is
> the latest source?

	As far as I know, yes.

* I made the following change a year or two ago, to get it to
  install onto MO drives. (Stephen C. Brown pointed me to the code)

  If you are going to do Bob's suggested changes, please incorporate:

  % diff interface.c.orig interface.c
  <		/* Right now we only support hard drives.  This should	*/
  <		/* be fixed(along with lots of other things....).	*/
  <		if(buffer[0]==(char) 0x0)
  >		if(buffer[0]==(char) 0x0 ||	/* Hard Drives */
  >		   buffer[0]==(char) 0x4 ||	/* Worm Drives */
  >		   buffer[0]==(char) 0x7)	/* Opticals */

* If you want a hand with the changes, or with getting it to compile
  with your particular Think-C (I think v7 works, but v6 needs help),
  I can help.

| Nigel Pearson, | "Reality is that which,   |
|   Telstra NW-D, Sydney, Australia.    |  when you stop believing  |
| Office: 9206 3468    Fax:  9212 6329  |  in it, doesn't go away." |
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