Subject: Re: ppp performance, revisited
To: None <>
From: Halim Chtourou <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/21/2000 07:35:55
I was using 1.4.2 originally, however, I had switched to 1.4.3 because I
needed to recompile the kernel to enable NAT/ipf.  I think I will try
compiling a 1.4.2 kernel and seeing how that works for me. I haven't tried 1.5

yet either, but maybe there was some kind of a bug (feature?) introduced in
1.4.3 and also 1.5 that slows serial performance. Anyone have any insight on
this possibility?


Erik Winkler wrote:

> I'm currently getting great performance from my Quadra 700 running NetBSD
> 1.4.2 to NAT my 56K PPP connection.  I use the following in the ppp
> configuration for dialing and it seems to remove the silo overflow problems
> with my US Robotics 56K modem.
> cdtrcts
> AT&F1&D0
> I am currently getting consistent NAT download speeds of 5.0 -6.0 K/s from
> the Netscape download window.  I recently tried NetBSD 1.5 with the same
> settings and the results were terrible.  Nothing but silo overflows again
> and again.
> Erik