Subject: Re: PB 170 serial ports...
To: C.R. Carlson <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/2000 16:38:31
C.R. Carlson wrote:
> Greetings
> Anyone know if theres anything special about the PB 170's serial ports?
> Got 1.4.3 up and running but can't seem to access my serial port to make
> the modem go. I followed the advice of one of the how-to's and set up a
> little program /etc/uucp/port to test running "cu -p modem" . It connects
> but doesn't accept input (i.e. ATZ...) When I run ppp-up it tells me all
> the ports are busy: obviously they can't be, I have no other processes
> running.

did you enable the ports in the booter?  for some powerbooks i believe you
need to check one of the boxes in the serial dialog box to make sure that
they are powered up under netbsd.
> Also as aside, I never did get 1.5 to boot completely. Tried different
> kernels, even booted from the mac side, trying a single user boot, and it
> always gave me the panic message and put me in the db>. 1.4.3 went in
> without a hitch.

where in the boot did it panic, and what exactly was the panic message?
