Subject: Re: Ethernet cards
To: None <>
From: Peter Gort <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/2000 17:37:11
on 27/11/00 10:16 AM, John Klos at wrote:
>> I'm a newbie to NetBSD, and attempting to setup a IIci as a cable modem
>> router/firewall. I used Erik Winkler's pre-configured package, but it
>> doesn't seem to support the "Apple Ethernet NB" cards in my IIci. I've
>> since discovered <>
>> which shows that no kernel supports these cards. However the date on that
>> web page says it was last modified in 1997... So does anybody know of a
>> kernel to support these cards? They were a standard Apple card for these
>> machines, so I'm hoping somebody knows something to help...
> To be honest, if there's no support for that card, the easiest thing is to
> pick up another old NuBus ethernet card. They can ususally be found for
> around $10.
> (Example:
> Ideally, for IP NAT, it's best to have two separate ethernet interfaces,
> so you may save a little money by buying two at once since shipping won't
> be much more.
> John Klos
Since I've got two cards that I picked up cheap and I thought were
compatible, (and I'm in Australia), I'm worried that I'll just get another
two cards that might not be compatible...after waiting a month to get
them.... but I'll have to try it if no-one can think of anything better in
the meantime.
Peter Gort