Subject: Re: Ethernet cards
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/26/2000 18:16:51
> I'm a newbie to NetBSD, and attempting to setup a IIci as a cable modem
> router/firewall.  I used Erik Winkler's pre-configured package, but it
> doesn't seem to support the "Apple Ethernet NB" cards in my IIci.  I've
> since discovered <>
> which shows that no kernel supports these cards.  However the date on that
> web page says it was last modified in 1997... So does anybody know of a
> kernel to support these cards?  They were a standard Apple card for these
> machines, so I'm hoping somebody knows something to help...

To be honest, if there's no support for that card, the easiest thing is to
pick up another old NuBus ethernet card. They can ususally be found for
around $10.


Ideally, for IP NAT, it's best to have two separate ethernet interfaces,
so you may save a little money by buying two at once since shipping won't
be much more.

John Klos