Subject: afpd woes
To: NetBSD-Mac68K List <>
From: Daniel Parks <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/21/2000 19:37:59
I recently installed 1.5BETA_2, and have been having troubles with
netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb4 from pkgsrc.
I've got a very basic set up: I just have one volume (/home/shared)
that I'm sharing. I included it in AppleVolumes.system and made
AppleVolumes.default empty. All users are in group users, and have a
valid shell. (Possibly /usr/bin/true, which is in my /etc/shells
file). Group users has rwx access to /home/shared.
When I try and log in as an account that is also in group wheel (but
not root), everything works fine. When I try to log in to one of the
accounts not in wheel, all of which have /usr/bin/true as their
shell, the box to select a volume to mount comes up, but no volumes
are displayed.
Thanks in advance,
Just to be repetitive and use up bandwidth (I can do that pretty well
already ;-), I included parts of a few relevant files below.
># Format of lines in this file:
># server [ -tcp ] [ -ddp ] [ -guest ] [ -loginmesg message ] ...
># ------------------------ <snip> ------------------------
># This file looks empty when viewed with "vi". In fact, there is one
># '~', so users with no AppleVolumes file in their home directory get
># their home directory by default.
># ------------------------ <snip> ------------------------
># ~
># This file is read before (after if -u is specified) the user's
># AppleVolume file. Add extension mappings and volumes here.
>/home/shared "Moria"
># default translation -- note that CR <-> LF translation is done on all
># files of type TEXT. The first line turns off translation for files of
># unknown type, the second turns this translation on.
># ------------------------ <snip> ------------------------
>% ls -ld /home/shared
>drwxrwx--- 7 root users 512 Nov 21 18:33 /home/shared