Subject: pkgsrc wierdness
To: NetBSD/mac68k <>
From: Ryan Ordway <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/06/2000 14:24:09
	Ok, I've been trying to compile openssl from pkgsrc and I'm
getting this really strange error. I believe I've seen it compiling other
packages as well. This is using the 1.4.2 pkgsrc tarball, though I believe
I've tried unpacking the latest pkgsrc tarball on top of it with the same
results. Here is the error that I get:

dc: dc: stack empty
dc: register 'e' (0145) is empty
dc: dc: dc: stack empty
dc: dc: dc: stack empty
dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: stack empty
dc: dc: stack empty
dc: register 'e' (0145) is empty
dc: dc: dc: stack empty
dc: dc: dc: stack empty
dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: stack empty
dc: dc: stack empty
dc: register 'e' (0145) is empty

	This ontinues on and on until:

dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: dc: Out of space

	This is on a Q630 running NetBSD 1.4.2, 36MB of RAM, 1 4.3GB disk
and a 1GB disk, with 3 swap partitions:

[root@brahms stunnel]# swapctl -l
Device      1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Priority
/dev/sd1b      125582      536   125046     0%    0
/dev/sd1d       86941      592    86349     1%    0
/dev/sd0b      131072      632   130440     0%    0
Total          343595     1760   341835     1%

	It doesn't look like the system is even touching the swap even
towards the end of the build process before it dies.

	So what is up with all of these dc errors? Anyone else have a
problem with this? Is there an easy fix?



HELO... my name is root... you have SIGKILLed my father... prepare to vi!