Subject: Unremovable file
To: NetBSD-Mac68K List <>
From: Daniel Parks <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/10/2000 23:47:01
I have had the pleasant luck of getting a file I can't remove.

I created it by attempting to un-tar something that was gzipped -- 
without specifying -z. Anyway, I now have a file called -something on 
my hard drive, where something is a bunch of random characters. rm 
won't remove it because it thinks I'm giving it a parameter.

I wrote a simple c program to remove files specified on the command 
line, but after I unlink() it, perror() reports that the file does 
not exist. I tried to overwrite it (with cat >), hoping that giving 
it some content would help, but that only made a new file similarly, 
but not identically named, so now I can't use tab-completion to pass 
the name of the file to some program.

Any ideas? It doesn't matter too much, as it isn't doing anything, 
but it would be nice to get rid of it.
