Subject: Re: Uses for Macintosh SE?
To: None <>
From: Nicholas Burlett <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/26/2000 22:38:08
> They do make very nice fishtanks. I made one out of a Mac Classic case
> that worked nicely. Hint: all the guides out there suggest making your own
> tank out of sheets of glass/plexiglass, but there are certain sizes of
> fishbowls that fit perfectly in the screen. If you carve out the top
> handle part correctly, you can actually get the bowl to hang from the top,
> supported only by its rim. I did this and it worked surprisingly well.
> Very strong. And you can even move the case around full of water without
> it falling apart.

Anyone have a mac classic/plus/se that they don't want? I hava a Beta
(fish) here at school, and I'm looking to make one of these tanks, but I
have not been able to find an old mac.. any suggestions?

> If you turned the case into a fishtank, you could reassemble the "guts" in
> some interesting new case. Make an "arcade console" by hacking apart a
> keyboard to hotwire the arrow keys, and have it run some classic Mac game
> (of which there are many :). Attach a trackball for the mouse. Make the
> screen face up, and construct into a mini version of an arcade console. It
> would be a great conversation piece! (This could actually work... hmm...
> tempting ;)

Yes, very tempting.. I'll try it if anyone can find me a computer!
