Subject: Re: Uses for Macintosh SE?
To: None <>
From: Andrew McPherson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/24/2000 22:55:06
On Sun, 24 Sep 2000, Avi Norowitz wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if there was anything useful, cool, or fun to do with a
> Macintosh SE? I can't put *BSD or Linux on it, right?

You could attempt to merge uCLinux and Linux/mac68k to get it to run
Linux. That would be really cool. Or you could use it as a doorstop. :)

They do make very nice fishtanks. I made one out of a Mac Classic case
that worked nicely. Hint: all the guides out there suggest making your own
tank out of sheets of glass/plexiglass, but there are certain sizes of
fishbowls that fit perfectly in the screen. If you carve out the top
handle part correctly, you can actually get the bowl to hang from the top,
supported only by its rim. I did this and it worked surprisingly well.
Very strong. And you can even move the case around full of water without
it falling apart.

If you turned the case into a fishtank, you could reassemble the "guts" in
some interesting new case. Make an "arcade console" by hacking apart a
keyboard to hotwire the arrow keys, and have it run some classic Mac game
(of which there are many :). Attach a trackball for the mouse. Make the
screen face up, and construct into a mini version of an arcade console. It
would be a great conversation piece! (This could actually work... hmm...
tempting ;)
