Subject: Re: No luck... Was: Q840AV doesn't like 1.5 Alpha2 - summary
To: Jesse Reynolds , Dave Huang <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/20/2000 10:29:54
At 1:12 PM +1100 9/20/00, Jesse Reynolds wrote:
>At 17:58 -0700 19/9/00, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>>At 11:00 AM +1100 9/20/00, Jesse Reynolds wrote:
>>>add net gateway
>>>Kernel Illegal Instruction trap.
>>This is the loopback interface.  It should have nothing to do with 
>>the ethernet card you are using.
>Yep. I suppose ifconfig is used to set up the loopback interface also?
>>>trap type 2, code = 0x0, v=0x0
>>>kernel program counter = 0xc86de
>>>kernel: Illegal instruction trap
>>>pid = 46, pc = 000C86DE, ps = 2100, sfc = 1, dfc = 1
>>><blah blah>
>>>panic: Illegal instruction
>>>Stopped in ifconfig at _cpu_Debugger+0x6:    unlk    a6
>>>Any advice greatly appreciated as to how I might go about getting 
>>>this thing to actually boot up!!!
>>>Perhaps I should pull out the AsanteFast 10/100 nubus ethernet card?
>>Well it is an unusual card, but the error doesn't look like it. 
>>Does a stack trace after the panic show any routines that have 
>>anything to do with the card?
>I included the whole stack trace in my earlier email... I don't know 
>if any of the routines are to do with this card, as I'm not familiar 
>with the driver code.
>it all booted up fine with 1.4.2 that's the odd thing.

Looking at your stack trace I think those are IPv6 routines that have 
the problem.  That at least explains why 1.4.2 has no problem, but 
not why other people don't see the same problem you do.

It might be useful to write up a summary of stuff and post it to 
tech-net.  There are folks who are actively pounding on the v6 stuff 
there.  This is probably one of those subtle interaction things 
that's hard to debug.  *sigh*

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