Subject: AURP implementation and ZIP
To: None <>
From: Roger Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/14/2000 07:41:48

Four AppleTalk router type questions,

1. Does anybody know of an implementation of AURP for Netbsd, as in the DPP
over UDP/ip protocol? I want to have another machine package it's DDP in UDP
and have the Netbsd box route them onto an ethernet segment.

2. Does netatalk support being a 'router' and able to be a 'Zone
Controller'? By that I mean I want the netbsd box to answer responses to ZIP
GetNetInfo etc requests and tell others what the name of a particular zone

3. Had anybody had any success using DDP on Windows 95/98? I've tried to use
Microsoft DLC on an ethernet card but it fails to register the required
broadcast address, the code works on NT using Microsoft DLC (eg not using
the WINSOCK AF_APPLETALK) but writing and reading ELAP frames directly on
the ethernet.

4. Does the PPP implementation in Netbsd support ATCP and routing DDP
between a PPP connection and ethernet?

Thanks in advance for any help,
