Subject: Re: AURP implementation and ZIP
To: Roger Brown <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/13/2000 11:21:24
The person who is most likely to help on this list would be Bill 
Studenmund, but I'm not sure he can answer all the details you want. 
You might try poking around on the NetAtalk sites for more info.  I 
presume you already know that NetBSD's AppleTalk support comes from 
that package.  Use the ASun version, not the original.

At 7:41 AM +1200 9/14/00, Roger Brown wrote:
>Four AppleTalk router type questions,
>1. Does anybody know of an implementation of AURP for Netbsd, as in the DPP
>over UDP/ip protocol? I want to have another machine package it's DDP in UDP
>and have the Netbsd box route them onto an ethernet segment.

I don't think NetAtalk supports this.  CAP (Columbia AppleTalk 
Package) would be the other place to look.

>2. Does netatalk support being a 'router' and able to be a 'Zone
>Controller'? By that I mean I want the netbsd box to answer responses to ZIP
>GetNetInfo etc requests and tell others what the name of a particular zone

Without being precisely sure of the details I think the answer is 
yes.  There are some quirks to the configuration, but I think if you 
want to support routing, seeding, etc. the configuration is actually 
less quirky.

>3. Had anybody had any success using DDP on Windows 95/98? I've tried to use
>Microsoft DLC on an ethernet card but it fails to register the required
>broadcast address, the code works on NT using Microsoft DLC (eg not using
>the WINSOCK AF_APPLETALK) but writing and reading ELAP frames directly on
>the ethernet.

I know that NT as far back as 3.5 was able to talk to AppleTalk 
printers with all all that implies (except for a "bug" in the default 
configuration which would take the printer away from everyone else on 
the network).  I know of no success stories with 95/98.

>4. Does the PPP implementation in Netbsd support ATCP and routing DDP
>between a PPP connection and ethernet?

Pretty sure the answer is no on this one.

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