Subject: IP NAT question
To: NetBSD Mac68k Port <>
From: Herb Singleton <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/16/2000 22:56:10
I'm running NetBSD 1.4.2 as an IP NAT router on a Quadra 650 with a cable
modem. The cable modem is connected on the built-in ethernet (sn0) and I
have an internal network on an Nubus ethernet card. The internal network has
been assigned one of the IP ranges designated for internal networks. I'm
also running sshd on both ethernet interfaces, and Netatalk ASUN on the
internal ethernet interface (confirmed with netstat -a). I've shutdown inetd
(and commented everything out of inetd.conf just to be safe). I also have
ipf set up to block packets on most common ports in and out. I've veryified
this using a couple of websites that scan ports.

Everything is working fine but I noticed one oddity: The cable modem has an
activity light that flashes when data is sent to/from the internet. However,
the activity light also flashes during *internal* activity. If I connect to
the NetBSD box over the internal network over Appletalk or SSH, the modem
activity light flashes. Any idea if this is normal?


Herb Singleton
Everything in Acoustics: