Subject: Re: GENERIC questions
To: Matt Thomas <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/26/2000 09:08:53
On 6/24/00 5:20 PM, Matt Thomas <> wrote:
> At 11:42 PM 6/24/2000 +0200, Hauke Fath wrote:
>> GENERIC has all the (working) features that are available. You are
>> expected to configure and build a kernel that contains exactly the
>> features you need.
> Not true. GENERIC has all or most of the device, but it shouldn't
> have all the kernel options. It should have the most widely used
> ones.
The GENERIC config has ISO and EON because I say it does. Note, however,
that the mac68k port does not differ significantly in this respect from
several other ports[*]. Clearly not everyone holds the same interpretation
of what the GENERIC kernel should contain.
Hauke is definitely right about one thing: if you are offended by the size
of the GENERIC kernel, you are expected to compile your own kernel with the
options and device support desired.
[*] arc, arm32, i386, mac68k, pmax, sparc, and sparc64 all have ISO enabled.