Subject: Re: A newbies questions
To: Pete Lancashire <>
From: Erik Huizing <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/25/2000 21:34:23
On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Pete Lancashire wrote:
> Can I do a remote install similar to Solaris/AIX/RedHat via FTP
> or NFS or ?
Save for a 10 Meg mac partition (for booting) the rest of my Centris 650's
drive is devoted to 'bsd. Here's what I did:
Put all the .tgz files for installation, and the installer on another
machine. Turn on file sharing, and mount the drive on your target machine.
run the installer from there. This saves you having to devote a large
portion of the drive to store the .tgz files, just for installation.
Erik Huizing