Subject: Re: NetBSD/Mac68k Installer 1.1g: Error on SCSIRead() #5
To: T@W <>
From: Michel BOUDRY <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/18/2000 00:35:28
En r=E9ponse =E0 T@W,
qui le 16/06/2000,20:25 +0200,
=E0 propos de Re: NetBSD/Mac68k Installer 1.1g: Error on SCSIRead() #5,
=E9crivait :
>Michel BOUDRY engraved digitally:
>>>-Did you do a "Build Devices" in the Installer?
>>NetBSD Installer crash
>>ALL menus cannot works
>>ONLY keyboard Command Q Quit ...with error 1
>Type 1 errors mean most of the time not enough memory applied for the
>(Installer) application. Go to GetInfo and apply more memory.
>(Or it got too much. In this case give it less through the GetInfo).
>That should solve.
>Hope this helps
>BTW start up without all extensions and cp's before using the installer
>>(I apologise for my bad english)
>That's ok. I'll not even try my even worse French. ;}
Pb came from the HUGE Hard Disk FireBall 4 Giga ?
I read that HD more than 2 Giga have PB with the Installer 1.1g, specialy
Quantum and mine is Quantum FireBall
NOT ANY PB with the same procedure install NetBSD 1.4.2 with a 1 Giga JAZ
Is it not THE real proof ?
MY PB NOW : to use VI
I am in section of Post installation steps of the 23 March 1999 INSTALL 8
I think this use of VI is not vry well explained, just short explained,
compared to the others steps...For a Mac User (MS DOS have experiment EDLIN
NO ?)
"etc/rc.conf is not configurated"
Many thanks for your help