Subject: Re: FTP problem
To: Anthony Helm <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/14/2000 08:18:03
On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Anthony Helm wrote:
> I recently downloaded the 1.4.2 binary sets. All came down fine, but one.
> The xserver.tgz file, when checked with Stuffit Expander (I know to leave it
> as tgz for installing) reports a CRC problem. I went ahead and installed the
> x files anyway, but when I try to startx, the xserver seems to encounter a
> fatal error. Also, it seems, my ldconfig command is pointing to a
> non-existent library.
2 suggestions. Can you verify the checksum of xserver.tgz? Perhaps copy
it into the NetBSD partition using the installer and then
md5 xserver.tgz
and compare that to the MD5 file on
As far as ldconfig, it is "/usr/pkg/lib"? If so this simply means you
haven't installed anything from the package system yet so that directory
doesn't exist yet. Its not a problem.
Hope this helps