Subject: Re: Building KDE
To: Greg <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/11/2000 10:49:49
On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Greg wrote:

> Since we have been talking about KDE recently, I thought that I would bring
> up the fact that I have tried to build this goliath out of pkgsrc a few
> times and have been unsuccessful every time (don't ask me for the where and
> why of when it stopped, because I do not recall).  I have tried on both my
> Q610 (full 040) here at home and on my NetBSD box at work 7300/180 without
> success, someone at one point suggested that the reason it was stopping is
> because I hadn't done an 'unlimit datasize' so I went back and did that and
> it failed again
> Is there some problem with the KDE package that maybe hasn't been reported
> or am I just a moron? (my guess is that I am a moron <g>)
> I would be happy to try building it again and logging everything to a file
> (I would need instructions on the logging part) so some unlucky person could
> see where it fails if that might help...

	If you hit a problem with anything in pkgsrc you should definitely
	let people know - you can post to the list, but using 'send-pr'
	is the best way to make sure it doesn't get lost.

	If you type 'script' before running a command or series of
	commands, then 'exit' when done you should find everything that
	has happened in a file called 'typescript'. You probably want to
	only send the last section in with a bug report :)

				       -- No hype required --