Subject: Re: IIcx SIMM configuration
To: Tod McQuillin <>
From: John Valdes <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/30/2000 21:43:54
> For those of you with Mac IIcx's, what memory configurations are you
> using?  Has anyone successfully used 16MB SIMMS in a IIcx?  How about 4MB

I haven't used 16MB SIMMs, but I've used 4MB SIMMs w/o problems in my

> When the 16MB SIMMS are installed in bank A, the IIcx plays the "death
> chimes" and refuses to start up (regardless of what is in bank B).
> When 1MB SIMMS are in bank A and 16MB SIMMS are in bank B, the system
> boots but only sees 8MB of RAM (I am running MODE32 and 32-bit addressing
> is enabled).

Configs I've used successfully include 1MB SIMMs in bank A w/ 4MB
SIMMs in bank B (so 20MB total), and 4MB SIMMs in both A & B (32MB

I always thought 16MB SIMMs didn't work in the IIcx (while they do in
the IIci, as do the odd sized SIMMs, 2MB, 8MB, etc); however, one day
16MB SIMMs magically appeared as supported on the IIcx according to
AppleSpec...  I notice that the IIx doesn't list support for 16MB
SIMMs on AppleSpec, FWTW (the IIx & IIcx are more similar to each
other than the IIcx and IIci).

> Any ideas?

There's always the possibility that the SIMMs are DOA.  Do you have
another system known to support 16MB SIMMs in which you could test

> (Of course this is for the purpose of running NetBSD; I am
> asking here rather than on a general Mac users list because I figure
> NetBSD users have more incentive to upgrade past 8MB to build kernels).

Actually, my primary incentive was Netscape 4 under MacOS, but going
past 8MB in NetBSD certainly helps a lot too. :)
