Subject: Re: Serial Port problems Qudra 650
To: brendan burns <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/30/2000 10:27:39
On Tue, 30 May 2000, brendan burns wrote:

> Folks, I'm having trouble getting my Quadra 650 to talk to my 56k modem.
> I got the same modem to work with my old SE/30 so I know it can work.  I
> have my ppp-up script set up as pppd /dev/tty00 57600 `chat -v -f
> chatscript` When I look at the /var/log/messages I see that chat has sent
> ATM^M and then its waiting for OK but then it times out.  Is there a good
> way to test to see if my serial ports are working?  The kernel logs both
> of them during start up.  Any suggestions would be great.

Try "kermit", "cu", or "tip". To use "cu", create a file

port modem
    type modem
    device /dev/tty00
    speed 57600

then "cu -p modem"; 'AT' and so on. Type '~.' to exit.

If you can talk to the modem, but the chat script still times out, try
letting chat bang on it a couple of times (some details omitted).

'' AT
OK-AT-OK 'AT&F&C1&D0...'
^^^^^^^^  <-- This sends another 'AT' if no response to the first
              one after 5 seconds.
OK 'ATDT....'