Subject: serial console trouble
To: BSD list <>
From: Ed Lauman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/24/2000 23:44:16
I'm trying to set up NetBSD on a Mac IIx to run using a serial console. ( I
have a spare PS/2-XT type computer that's good for only that) I've got a
null modem cable going from the modem (or printer it really doesn't matter)
port of the Mac IIx to a DB25 serial port on the XT. When I try serial boot
echo, everything works fine - all the info scrolls down the screen on the XT
at the same time a s it scrolls down the Mac's screen. As soon as I try the
serial console (on either port), the boot process stops at this line:
[current date here] macbsd getty[156]: /dev/ttye0: device not configured
does anyone know how to fix this? (I'm using Eric Winkler's firewall archive
if that helps.) I need to return the monitor and keyboard soon, so I'd like
to get this resolved as soon as possible.
(on a related note when I type shutdown -h now, is it safe to switch the
machine off when says to hit any key to reboot?)