Subject: mountd notes
To: NetBSD mac68k List <>
From: Marek Kozubal <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/23/2000 21:54:37

I am using NetBSD 1.4.1 and have an exported path of /home.

When I add to /etc/exports the flag "-alldirs" so that you can mount stuff
within /home w/o specifically listing everything I get the following
error in /var/log/messages:

May 23 21:21:27 portents mountd[230]: "/home -alldirs -network 10.0.0
-mask", line 1: Could not remount /home: Invalid argument

now if I removed the -alldirs option it works fine but doesnt let me mount
within the mount points.  If you read the man page for exports(5) it
specifically mentions the -alldirs flag, but mountd doesnt wanna support

From the exports(5) man page:
"The second is to specify the pathname of the root of the filesystem
followed by the -alldirs flag; this form allows the host(s) to mount at
any point within the filesystem"

Also I was reading up on amd(8) and noticed that my install does not have
a man page for amd.conf(5) and was wondering if it is in the normal
distributions? I've installed all the sets for 1.4.1 so I dont know where
it might have gotten to!

Thanks in advance!

Marek Kozubal            
Portents, LLC
Personal Satellite Tracking System /

            "What makes the universe so hard to understand is that
                    we have nothing to compare it to."