Subject: Re: AAUI
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/15/2000 15:23:09
At 9:16 PM -0700 5/14/00, David A. Gatwood wrote:
>On Mon, 15 May 2000, Allen Briggs wrote:
> > > This is a little off topic but what is the difference between 
>AUI and AAUI?
> > > Also, can I use an AAUI to 10bT transceiver with NetBSD? Is there a
> > > particular brand/type that works or are they all fine? Ed
> >
> > I don't know if there are any signalling differences, but AUI ports are
> > 15-pin female D-sub and AAUI ports are a miniature card-edge-like thing
> > of some description (what are these called, anyway?).
>To be a little more descriptive, the AAUI looks like two spring tabs on
>each side with a little card edge connector embedded into something that
>resembles a 9-pin DIN connector, sans pins.  (Wonder if it's called a

As noted elsewhere they are functionally identical.  Some models of 
Mac do not put out power on the AAUI so a general conversion, as sold 
by Apple, requires a power supply.  A simple cable should work for 
some models.

As to the name of the connector type:  the full-size version of that 
type (as used in 34-pin printer interfaces and 50-pin SCSI 
interfaces) is called a Clinch connector.  (Because the plug clinches 
both sides of the tab in the socket?)  I would presume the miniature 
version is called a mini-clinch.

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