Subject: Re: i'm all-pro
To: mr. Anderson <>
From: Roger Fischer <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/03/2000 21:20:09
At 2:29 PM -0700 5/1/00, David A. Gatwood wrote:
>On Mon, 1 May 2000, mr. Anderson wrote:
>> i used vipw to change the root password and now i can't login. when i
>> used netbsd booter to boot into single user mode the file system became
>> read only too so i couldn't change it back. how to proceed?
>mount -u -w /dev/sd0a /
>I think. (or whatever drive number)
In addition you shouldn't be changing passwords in the Password file! I
know that sounds confusing, but it just doesn't work.
Boot single user and then use the "passwd" command to change the root password.
The passwords in the /etc/password file are encrypted versions of the real
password, and changing them there will not get you the desired results.
-- Roger