Subject: Re: Powerbook 190?
To: None <>
From: Ken Nakata <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 04/30/2000 15:50:22
On Sat, 29 Apr 2000 22:13:09 -0500, (Peter Seebach) wrote:
> [note:  I'm not currently on this list, please cc me on replies]
> Is the powerbook 190 currently supported?

Not really.  Two things; LC040 and IDE.  IDE is being worked on by a
Japanese guy I know, but the work is being done on the 630 and there
may be some differences between those two models regarding IDE

As for FPE bug with LC040, I've been meaning to fix it for a long long
time... :(

> If not, would someone be interested in a system to port it to?  I have a
> powerbook 190 gathering dust in my basement; I am forced to admit that I
> have no likely plans for really using it, so if someone wants to make it
> run NetBSD, I could probably part with it.  :)

I don't need one at the moment, and you're probably better off loaning 
it to someone living close enough to you to buy you a beer or two ;-)
