Subject: RE: Slow IPNat
To: Kadari Mayson <>
From: Erik Huizing <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/18/2000 20:55:43
Actually, that was me. 'cs495859-a' is the DHCP client-ID/identifier that
my ISP gives me. I always figured that's what went into the host section.
The problem is that (to the best of my knowledge) its not used for actual
domain names. my IP right now is which maps to
Strangely, my FQDN maps to a different IP (I had the ID number wrong
before) = which
Ain't my IP.
Erik Huizing 4th year Computer Science Office: MS 142 Ph: 220-5768
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000, Kadari Mayson wrote:
> Hi Mat, I noticed in your host-name, you have cs495859-a entered. I
> struggled with this entry when I first tried to get @home working with my
> NetBSD box. When I would try to start some services like apache or tin, I
> would get a could not find FQDN error. This was solved by entering in my
> entire dns. Bingo, everything worked.