Subject: IPNR works - now to install lynx...
To: None <>
From: James P. Schmidt <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 03/14/2000 07:13:39
Well, with a bit of help (and much tinkering) I now have NetBSD talking to
IPNR. Much thanks to those who volunteered tips :)
Now, on to installing pkgs... I've been trying all night now to get
lynx2-8-2 to "make fetch-list" from, but EVERY time I do this,
it stalls; I've gotten from 23 to 69% done on various connects, and it
always stalls out. It seemed to be acting up because I was on the Web from
the IPNR machne, but I just tried again with no other traffic on the
dialout box, and it still stalled. Every time it hangs, I cancel the make,
delete the lynx*.gz file, and try again; it never works.
Is anyone else able to duplicate this problem, or is it a problem with slcc
(or with my connection)? Is there a way around this? I tried ftp'ing to
that address, but it doesn't allow anonymous access.
Zaren Ankleweed - Bitdancer, Freelance | "We come from the sea, Tim; our
Acquisitions Agent, Minister for "Bob" | blood is salt, and strange tides
a.k.a. Zaren on #macintosh in the IRC | ebb and flow within us all."
"You're a madman!" --fkrol | Rose, _The Books of Magic_