Subject: Re: Followup Question: Installing on MacIIci
To: AstroZomby <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 02/02/2000 02:39:48
> Ok, this is where it's getting wierd.  I have reinstalled the three base
> parts via the "NetBSD/Mac68k Installer":
>   base26.tar.gz
>   bsd-generic.tar.gz
>   comp26.tar.gz

Er... you didn't get these from _OpenBSD_ did you?
There is no NetBSD 2.6 (the latest is 1.4.1), but there is an OpenBSD 2.6.

Also, those file names are _not_ what you'll find on the site.
I think the NetBSD equivalent for what you list here would be:


Sounds to me like the OpenBSD guys don't need to (or don't know how to)
rebuild the mac68k installer, so they haven't re-branded it yet.
(Disapproving hmmm.)

Assuming they didn't change too much from how we do it, you should also have
a file called "etc26.tar.gz" which is mandatory for a first-time install.

(The stuff in "etc" provides defaults for all your local customization files
and various other directories that are supposed to always exist on the boot
disk. During an upgrade you install a new "base" but you don't install "etc"
since that would erase all your local customizations. This is why they're
separated into base.tgz and etc.tgz in all NetBSD distributions.)

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @