Subject: working ethernet cards on SE/30's
To: None <>
From: charlie allom <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/30/2000 03:27:36
i'm curious to know some brands of SE/30 ethernet cards that are 
known to work with NetBSD. after picking up this Cabletron one, no 
one seems to be able to get it to work. i'm in no way capable to map 
the memory myself, and i thank brendan burns for having a hack at his 
own machine... and for everyone else being patient with me..

are there some brands i should look out for? cause i've got 50$ in my 
pocket that i'm willing to spend it on an ethernet card..

btw - isn't the Australian mirror of NetBSD hosted at 
who's the guy who runs that, and is he a mac68k fan? ;)

maybe i should take this little box along to a nix UG? or even a mac 
UG.. anyway...


Melbourne, Australia - PGP available