Subject: newbie question
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <ahenderson@POMONA.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/17/1999 16:30:57
Alright, last night I spent several hours getting bsd on my quadra 610
(8 meg ram, 258 meg hard drive, sd0b=20 meg-swap, sdoc=20 meg-/var,
sd0a=everything else-/, there is no mac partition).  I was able to install
bsd without a mac partition by booting using the mac os 7.5.3 network
access disk, then mounting a remote filesystem and running the installer
etc. from the other machine.  The intention is for this bsd box to run as
a web/mail server for an organization at school, thus I did not see the
need for a mac partion.

The problem:

Is there any way to boot bsd w/o a mac system?  Right now, I am booting
using the network access disk minus all the networking plus the booter.
The machine takes a few minutes to boot the mac os, then I run the booter
and bsd runs.  Are there any utilites/extentions/whatever out there that
would allow me to boot bsd w/o first booting mac?  And where can I get
them?  I looked at the list archive and saw references to something called
"das boot" but could not find any binaries, the site seemed to be dead and
the archive was from '97.

If it helps, I am running Linux on a b&w g3 and know Linux fairly well.  I
am an utter newbie to bsd (I thought it might be fun to play with).  What
I want is something like the Bootx extension.  

Thank you all for your help,
