Subject: Re: X Windows
To: Mark Weaver <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/16/1999 00:02:17
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Mark Weaver wrote:

> Hello, I did get NetBSD to boot fine on my Macintosh TV, but I still 
> can't get X to work. I don't know what else to do.  I am using 1.4.1. 
> The kernels that are on the CD did not work. I had to use an older one 
> (MRGSBC #13).  Is that OK to use?  

As long as the kernel is 1.4 or greater, it shouldn't prevent the X
server from working.
> The error that I get is this:
> X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)
> and that's it, nothing else in the log file.  Thanks for the time. 

Any messages are displayed to the screen, where they get erased. From
the root csh prompt...

	exec startx >& startx.log

will save all the messages so you can read them. The "exec" means
you'll have to log in again after the X server dies, but it will
prevent csh from fighting X for the keyboard.

The most common reason is that the graphics mode you've booted into
isn't supported. The supplied X server only works in Black & White; a
reasonably up-to-date explanation of how to get color can be found at
<>. One
thing, the OSFA Xmac68_color server on mostly works in
8-bit and 16-bit (and 1-bit), _not_ 24-bit as it says in the README.